Anime character name name generator

This Anime character name This name generator will give you 10 irregular names for anime and manga characters. Character names in anime and manga generally fall into one of three categories: fake names, unique names, and real names. Genuine names are generally ordinary Japanese names, yet can be from different societies also relying upon the anime. Like Ichigo from Bleach, Light from Death Note, or Naruto from Naruto, unique names and nicknames are usually very specific and belong to the main character. This generator focuses on fake names that look like common Japanese names but are typically not found in real life. They can be used to create a fantasy atmosphere in a story, to avoid (accidental) matches with real people, especially if a character is portrayed negatively, or to make a more personal choice for the author. Whatever the case may be, this generator will generate a wide variety of fictitious Japanese names appropriate for the characters in those anime and manga. This generator's names are listed from personal name to surname, just like traditional Japanese names.

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